Wi-Fi is a wonderful thing
From streaming your favourite shows to watching cute videos of animals, all from the comfort of your own home. What could be better than that!

Talk to your Artificial Intelligence Device
Being home alone can be quite lonely so make the most of your robot friends. Play soothing music, have stories and audio books read for you or simply ask questions to your hearts content, they’ll help you get through it.

Use your 4K High Definition TV to binge watch your favourite shows
Lets face it you’ve been looking for an excuse to justify that super High definition TV, now’s your chance to enjoy it. Hook your laptop PC up whilst you work then sit back and enjoy a cinema experience without stepping foot out of the door.

Connect with each other via super-fast 4/5G networks.
Mobile connectivity has come a long way! Arrange meetings via Skype or zoom and Facetime or WhatsApp your friends to keep the positivity going. Share videos, pictures and more to spread the joy during your time indoors.
Get your robot vacuum cleaner to transport snacks to other isolated house members
If your isolated companions are in quarantine, send them snacks on your robot vacuum cleaner – reduced contamination and a fun way to cheer up your unwell house mate whilst also sucking up any germs on the way. It’s a no brainer.
Make your own office at home
Working from home might seem daunting, but by the time you’ve got your 2 display screens set up and a comfortable area to work – it’ll be like your still in the office but with a bit more peace and quiet. Make it relaxing and productive.
Stay motivated with an upbeat playlist on your wearable device or wireless speaker
There’s no need to sit in silence with today’s technology – make the most of your gadgets by playing your favourite playlist. If music isn’t your thing how about a guided meditation or an inspirational TED talk.

Beat that personal best on your favourite video game.
Immerse yourself in a video game to stimulate your mind and challenge yourself to do better. Just remember to drink plenty and take a break from the screen.

Keep on top of the household chores via your phone.
With telephone applications synced to your household appliances it’s never been easier to keep your house in order, control your washing machine, TV, sound system and lights from your smart phone. So you can sit back and relax.
Make a robot!
If you are particularly tech savvy, there are start up PCB’s such as the raspberry pi which will enable you to make a simple robot capable of avoiding obstacles – these start up PCB’s are designed to help you get any project running – so get your thinking caps on you might just make that million pound idea.
Let us know how you’re using Electronics to keep you going, we’d love to hear from you
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